
29 September, 2009

Even more flowers blooming with the rain!

28 September, 2009

Rain predicted this week. Just what I need with school holidays for 10 days :-)

27 September, 2009

This past Sunday was our Primary Presentation. As always the program was wonderful. This was the printed program.

26 September, 2009

At last I am back online. It was a tough couple of weeks but I made it!

25 September, 2009

In my garden. I LOVE spring!!!!

24 September, 2009

Our geyser is having problems. Every morning an amazing amount of water runs out onto the veranda. I put a bucket out to catch the water and then water the plants with it. I think we need to fix the geyser instead!

23 September, 2009

Our bishop invited the ward for a potato braai and toasted sandwiches evening. At 19:00 Ward council was held while the rest of us enjoyed eachother's company.

22 September, 2009

Our dog, Jenny. She has been a lovely dog. So good with the children. Unfortunately she hasn't done so well this winter and is looking very old. She is already 12 years old.

21 September, 2009

A sad young man who didn't want to go to school on a Monday morning.

20 September, 2009

Saturday night we were surprised to hear someone at the gate at about 21:00. It was Chace and Ruby-Lynn dropping off their wedding invitation. It is beautiful!

19 September, 2009

Orin playing with water and sand AGAIN!

18 September, 2009

Aidan's photo of the day: Orin and I lying on the bed relaxing.

17 September, 2009

Aidan has a double crown and if he goes to bed with wet hair this is how it looks in the morning. Love it!!!!

16 September, 2009

Kyle received a Mecano set from Nanna and Pops for his 12th birthday. Here he is hard at work. He spent to days after school making it up.

15 September, 2009

Aidan took this photo. I enjoyed playing around with editing software.

14 September, 2009

Jesse is already 3 months old. I am taking this picture to remember his outfit that probably won't fit for one more day.

13 September, 2009

Kyle working on his Mecano set from his Nanna and Pops. He is loving it!

12 September, 2009

Orin and Aidan played in the mud today....aaarggghhhh...took me half hour to clean up the mess.

11 September, 2009

We went to a Young Women fundraiser on Friday night. They did YW Idols. It was cute.

10 September, 2009

I know it sounds crazy, but I really enjoy hanging up and taking down my washing. So much better than the tumble dryer.

9 September 2009

I asked Kyle to take today's picture and this is what he came up with. The sword has been in hiding due to various and numerous altercations. Guess I am going to have to find a new hiding place.

8 September, 2009

This is Orin not enjoying his haircut. He moaned the whole way through!

7 September, 2009

You can find these birds on my windowsill in the lounge. I have them slightly apart. Every so often, Orin will put them together like this. I purposefully move them away again to see what he will do.

6 September, 2009

I bought Logan some dried fruit today. Of course the children heard him open the packet and he had to share. Aidan saw the packet of dried mango and asked for "some flymangoes please".

5th September, 2009

Orin fell asleep watching TV today. Certainly doesn't choose his mattress for comfort does he!

4 September, 2009

Aidan really adores Jesse. He is so gentle with him and is always asking to hold his brother. As you can see Jesse is learning to love him right back.

3 September, 2009

What better way to start 365 days of photos than with a picture of Orin starting his potty training. He seems eager and the weather is beautiful so it should be a breeze ;-)


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