Ruby-Lynn contemplating having twins :-) She is so good with all of our children - we love her already.
26 January 2010
Kyle was a cheerleader this year. They were bakers. He crushed blue chalk and coloured his face because his team was blue.
21 January 2010
Aidan is settling down at school. It has been so rainy here that he has been wearing this jacket everyday in the middle of January!
14 January 2010
Happiness pulses with every beat of my heart. ~Emily Logan Decens
Every now and then,
when the world sits just right,
a gentle breath of heaven
fills my soul with delight...
~Hazelmarie ‘Mattie’ Elliott, A Breath of Heaven
12 January, 2010
Aidan cut his head open trying to climb up on the counters. After I stopped the bleeding he wanted a plaster put on. It wasn’t fun getting it off afterwards, but it made him feel better.
5 January, 2010
Logan said that I need an eye picture also. So this is what a severely sleep deprived mommy eye looks like.