The boys are enjoying their school holidays so far. Today they made a welcome mat for their dad on the driveway.
I love the feet at the top left of the picture
The boys are enjoying their school holidays so far. Today they made a welcome mat for their dad on the driveway.
I love the feet at the top left of the picture
I really do have the best Visiting Teachers. They came bearing gifts, AGAIN! They are so good that they even came three days before the new month. I love them.
I celebrated Earth Hour by having a relaxing bath by candlelight. Afterwards Kyle used the candle to read.
When Kyle and Aidan fight I always tell them, “Brothers for life”. Kyle always replies, “Brothers forever!”
Some of the cousins slept over last night so I had to make sure everyone was ready for church today. 8 children and myself! Don’t they look cute? I am going to have to learn to do a head count before photos. Where is Orin :-)
Logan and Kyle played soccer on Saturday with a group of church guys that Grant Phillips had organised. They were absolutely exhausted but enjoyed themselves very much.
This is seriously the nicest person you will ever meet. Sister Hettie Grove! She is a private clinic sister who does my children’s vaccinations. She really goes above and beyond and I think she is a wonderful lady!
Aidan’s drawing frenzy continues. Bradley (his cousin) drew a beautiful man for Aidan and when he got home he coloured it in and cut it out. Unfortunately Orin got hold of the scissors and cut off the arms and coloured over the head. When Logan got home I asked him to redraw it for me because Aidan was so sad. Here he is much happier :-)
Logan started working on the burglar bars of our house. He came home at 16:00 and worked until after 20:00.
Aidan has started drawing all sorts of funny, cute creatures in the afternoon when he gets home from school. Here he got Kyle to join him. They spent ages drawing and cutting.
Kyle and Aidan made us fruit salad for dessert on Monday night. Kyle added the finishing touches and I was impressed.
Kyle got a call from his Ouma telling him to look at the full moon. Unfortunately our little camera can’t capture the beauty of it.
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