Winter Ninja scene…
20 May 2010
Orin has dropped his afternoon sleep but can’t last all the way to bedtime. He got out of the bath and fell asleep waiting for me to get his pyjamas.
18 May 2010
I bought myself some wellingtons to hang up the washing in the mornings because it is so wet outside until the sun shines on the grass.
17 May 2010
My Mom’s cute jack russels. They were both lying in the kennel but as soon as I pointed the camera this one climbed out to inspect. Note the bird feather on the floor :-)
16 May 2010
Sometimes I just get fed up and want to crawl around in the early morning wet grass and mommy won’t let me.
Courtney here are the socks again. They are the only pair that stay on a whole morning. :-)
12 May 2010
Kyle needed a passport photo for highschool enrolment forms. I really didn’t feel like taking him to get one done so we made our own. :-)
10 May 2010
I made small notebooks for the moms in my life with photo’s of the grandchildren as the covers. This is one I made for myself.
5 May 2010
I spent the whole morning making baby shower gifts for Delores. I saw the frame in Pick ‘n Pay yesterday and thought the hat and wash cloths would all go well together. Had lots of fun.
4 May 2010
Got home from grocery shopping yesterday and this is what greeted me. Logan said it had just happened. Jesse pushed the glass out. Last year when we moved in two panes were out. We need to just get rid of all the horrid 70’s amber glass and replace it with clear, strip off the old paint and have a beautiful new entrance.
3 May 2010
On Monday Logan made a fire in our fireplace. After lighting it he lit the rest of the petrol that he used to ignite the wood. Thank goodness the children were all otherwise engaged!
2 May 2010
Aidan invited his cousin over for lunch on Sunday. They had a lot of fun. They even allowed me to take their picture - thanks to my marie biscuit bribe :-)